Animated Signatures & Names

Animated Signatures and Names by Keith

Keith's animated signatures and names, using various styles, for
personalizing  your e-mail, stationery and web-sites. Have a look to see if
your, or a friend's, name has already been animated and is on the site.


Animated signature 'Hi' - Tweety & Sylvester

 Below, you will find animated signatures & names made in different styles. To see the signature 
animated and other names made in the same style, click on the image & follow the 
link. All pages from this 'home' page will open in a new window, leaving 
this main page open for further browsing, just maximize it from the task bar.
 To see all the names currently on the site, click here,
  All Names  
and then follow the link for each name.

If you've got plenty of time & would like to see all the styles animated
together on one page, then click here. Since this page will be very
graphic intensive, it will take a long time to load. However, it will load
in a new window, enabling you to continue browsing the 
site from this page, whilst waiting.

If you would like to sign/read my Guest book  please do so. 
It will be fascinating to see how far this site will travel & will have made 
the effort of putting it together, worthwhile.

Should you find an image that you would like to keep, simply right click & 
'Save Picture As'. Any links back to this site are appreciated, please 
feel free to use the banner at the top of the page. 

WebTvers, please transload. Don't know how to ? Check out my WebTv Help page. 
I do not allow the html coding ''img source = http//anisigs/etc/******.gif''  
This is direct linking to a particular image on the site, for use in emails & on message boards. 
Any files that I find, that are being direct linked to, will be removed from the site, without notice. 
Don't spoil it for everyone else, so, don't direct link.

Due to site deletion, because of direct linking, I have had to re-locate the site. 
Please use , to find me,  from now on.
This will always re-direct to wherever the site happens to end up !!

If you would like to, please E-Mail  me.

Thanks for calling in.       

Hand written signatures        

Keith in the UK

  Rose animated signatures          Tweety animated signatures 
animated signature - Rose              animated signature - Tweety

  House Mouse animated signatures                Minnie animated signatures  

animated signature - House Mouse       animated signature - Minnie

  Quill / Feather animated signatures                           Mickey animated signatures 
animated signature - Quill / Feather      animated signature - Mickey

    Humming Birds animated names       Taz animated names   

animated name - Humming Birds                  animated name - Taz            

         White Rose animated signatures                     Jessica Rabbit animated signatures    
    animated signature - White Rose      animated signature - Jessica Rabbit  

  Long Hand animated signatures                     Sylvester animated signatures 
  animated signature - Long Hand              animated signature - Sylvester

          Turtle animated signatures                   Donald animated signatures 
     animated signature - Turtle                  animated signature - Donald     

                  Little Mouse animated signatures          Witch animated names 

animated signature - Little Mouse                 animated name - Witch

Neon - animated names

animated name - Neon

                Betty Boop animated names                          Tigger bouncing animated names        

                   animated name - BB                    animated name - Tigger bouncing  


  Fairy animated signatures                  Pooh animated signatures

     animated signature - Fairy                       animated signature - Pooh

      Paint Palette animated signatures                      Hand & Pen  -  Animated Signature  
      animated signature - Paint Palette           animated signature - Hand & Pen

 Magnifier animated names                 Chip animated signatures
       animated name - Magnifier                        animated signature - Chip

Horse rearing - animated names                        Car animated names

animated name - Horse rearing                         animated name - Car   

  Racoon animated names

animated name - Racoon

Parrots - animated names     Dog barking - animated names

animated name - Parrots                   animated name - Dog barking

Cat jumping - animated names              Bear painting - animated signatures
animated name - Cat jumping           animated signature - Bear painting

Blackboard Chalk Writing - animated signatures
animated signature - Blackboard

Dale animated signatures                       Knight animated signatures
 animated signature - Dale                      animated signature - Knight

Owl animated signatures                   Tigger painting animated signatures
animated signature - Owl           animated signature - Tigger painting

Laser - animated signatures              animated flag - name - any country
   animated signature - Laser                animated flag (any country)

animated name - musical notes
animated name - Musical notes

animated name - Butterfly             animated name - Kiss Girl
      animated name - Butterfly                   animated name - Kiss Girl

  animated signature - Daffy                 animated name - Plane
     animated signature - Daffy                        animated name - Plane            


These templates have been made by myself. They are free to take from this site for
personal use only. They are not to be remade, reworked, edited, modified, or
changed in anyway whatsoever. They are not to be added to collections for
commercial use or to be included in collections to be sold.

Here's a page of similar signature & names sites

antimated singatures and manes for personalising your email and stationary
are the common  missspellings (sic) for
animated signatures and names for personalizing your e-mail and stationery.

All rights reserved  2001